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Binni i Bretlandi
laugardagur, október 04, 2003  
Ég fann þessa frétt í The Times, Friday October 3 2003. Hér segir frá hræðilegurm örlögum stokkandar:

When a male mallard duck (stokkönd) flew into the glass facade of Rotterdam´s Natural History Museum in 1995, Kees Moeliker had little idea that he was about to witness a landmark in biological science.
Upon hearing a loud band a floor below his office, the scientist rushed to investigate. He found the bird´s lifeless body on the ground - and another drake (andarsteggur) "raping the corpse".
Eight years later, Dr Moeliker´s contribution to ornithological knowledge has finally been recognised. His seminal paper, entitled "The First Case of Homosexual Necrophilia in the Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos", was honoured last night with an Ig Nobel prize, commemorating achievements that cannot or should not be reproduced.

Dr Moeliker described the death of mallard NMR 9997-00232 in exquisite detail in the pages of Deinsea, the journal of the natural history museum of Rotterdam. The building had a glass facade, which sometimes acted as a mirror, leading its scientists to realise that "a bang or a sharp tick on the window mean work for the bird department."
"On June 5 1995, an adult male mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) collided with the glass facade of the Natuurmuseum Rotterdam and died, Dr Moeliker wrote. "Another drake mallard raped the corpse almost continuously for 75 minutes. Then the author disturbed the scene and secured the dead duck. Dissection showed that the rape victim indeed was of the male sex. It is concluded that the mallards were engaged in an ´Attempted Rape Flight´that resulted in the first described case of homosexual necrophilia in the mallard".

Dr Moeliker said: "The victim is now one of the main pieces in the collection of the natural history museum, so it´s a part of natural history. As for the perpetrator, I had to chase him off and I´ve never seen him again."

Marc Abrahams, the Ig Nobel organiser, said Dr Moeliker had proved himself an exceptionally dedicated researcher, to stand by and watch the event for 75 minutes. "It´s a testimony to the observatory powers and endurance of modern scientists", he said.

Sem sagt bara mjög mikið að gera hjá þessum Moeliker!


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